Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Eggs?

Easter is coming up and I'm very excited.

At least, I used to be around this time of year. Easter means Cadbury creme eggs, getting to wear a cute pastel dress, and a whole lot of family-style goodness.

In college, Easter means getting yourself a bag of candy in addition to your regular groceries and going to town on it, possibly while drinking, definitely while sitting on the couch watching TV. Maybe alone.

I really was considering dying some eggs this year, and I was even going to enlist Matt's help to do it, but then I tried to explain to him why we dye eggs (he's Jewish)...and you guys, I totally couldn't do it. I couldn't come up with anything!

I mean, dying eggs is super fun. And I love dying eggs! And I've done it since I was little! And then...what? Where did they go? I have a feeling some of them made their way into lunchboxes but I don't exactly have a lunchbox here. Do they just sit around and look pretty? Wouldn't they smell after a while? The confusion, it's killing me. I feel like an outsider! Like I've been removed from the Easter egg dying tradition!

Gosh, am I sad about that. I guess I'll just drown my sorrows in ham and desserts this Sunday. This is a first world problem if I've ever heard one...


In other news, Kristie Alley is the new spokeswoman for Poise and its commercials on Light Bladder Leakage (LBL, for those of you in the know) and seriously? Who would agree to be the good bladder fairy on a commercial for Poise? Has Kristie Alley really sunk that low in her career? Because there isn't enough money in the world that would convince me to go on TV and admit (or at least insinuate) that I wet my pants frequently enough to need a pad to keep it from drippin about. Yuck, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Way to just change gears to bladder leakage...gross.
